Mar 292012
  1. Unplug  all internet or wireless connection.
  2. Connect the R36 in your computer ( it has to be alone, 36NH will not be connected ).
  3. On the internet browser type
  4. In the screen type the login name : admin, and the password: admin
  5. In the next screen go to EASY SETUP and select USB Wireless Adapter.
  6. Connect the AWUS036NH or the AWUSo36NHR
  7. Press the button ( SITE SURVEY ) check in the side of this button it say INFRASTRUCTURE, it it say this is ok but if the box say 802.11 Ad Hoc please change to infraestructure.
  8. Select the SSDI you will conect
  9. Before you set the wep key check the box is on one side of the SITE SURVEY if the box say 802.11 Ad Hoc change it to INFRAEATRUCTURE the set the wep key.
  10. Click next
  11. Change the name of the SSID if you want to, or leave it in default name like ALFA_AP
  12. press done ( it will save your info and will reboot ) when the reboot is done unplug the ethernet cable from the R36

See also:  Setup R36 with Alfa AWUS036NH and AWUS036NHR

 Posted by at 11:52 am Alfa AWUS036NH, Alfa R36 Tagged with:

  One Response to “R36: How to set up with AWUS036NHR and AWUS036NH”

  1. Katy – it sounds like, potentially, a “local only” issue (connectivity by WiFi but not fully connected to network): Could be IP address or DHCP issue. See this page:

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