Nov 142012
- Credit Card payment help
- PayPal checkout help
- Other payment options: See below (toward bottom of page)
- Address Change or “Ship-To address” differs from “Bill-To address“
- No order-acknowledgement or cannot find evidence that order was successfully placed. Unregistered order.
- Discounts / wholesale pricing
- Security and Privacy Policies
Customer Account help:
Browser / Cookie-related Checkout issues
- Our checkout system may not work with Firefox browsers.
- For the cart & checkout to work properly, browser security must be set to lower than “high” (we recommend “medium”) so that your browser will accept cookies.
- (if still not holding items in shopping cart): Clear your cookie cache and try again to add items to cart checkout
Other Payment Options:
- Lease Financing for large equipment purchases
- Personal checks & Money Orders:
- Simply select “Check or Money Order” as your payment option during checkout.
- Mail your check or money order to our US office.
- All currencies accepted and automatically converted by bankcard, PayPal, AmEx, (ElectraCash for USA only)
- Mexico: Checkout ayuda para clientes en Mexico
- Enter a payment amount, log in, and you’re done!
- PayPal Purchase Protection for eligible transactions.